Borderstories is a web documentary for those who challenge borders.
Media daily reports on “the new optimism in the north”, an optimism that is mostly related to what is labeled “the great resources” of the region.
When our politicians speak about resources, they speak about oil, gas and minerals. Not people. When they say people need more knowledge, they mean higher education. Not local knowledge. And when they say higher education, they mean studies relevant for the industry sector. Not studies to strengthen identity, language or critical thinking.
Politicians also tell us we “must speak with one voice” to gain power. But whose voice is then to remain silent, for this diverse region to appear as one unity?
Through you will hear the voices of people from the north. People who create a meaningful life in the north that they love. is a web documentary by independent journalist and documentarist Trine Hamran.
Institutions that helped finance the initial project in 2013 are: Nordnorsk filmsenter, Sametinget, Fritt Ord, Finnmark fylkeskommune, Film i Finnmark.
For the relaunch in 2017, Barents Kult and Sparebankstiftelsen Nord-Norge have supported the project financially together with Trine Hamran Media.